How to Combat

Entering Combat

Combat is broken down into Rounds, with each character getting a turn. After every character has had their turn, a new Round begins. 

To determine who goes first, each character involved will make an Initiative roll

Your Initiative is equal to 1d8 + AGI mod + PER mod.

The character with the highest result goes first, and Starts each Round of Combat, while the character with the lowest will go last, and End each Round of combat.

Taking Action

On your turn, you may choose to take a number of Actions equal to your AGI mod +1. If your modifier is 0 or 1, you may take 1 Action per round. At a Modifier of +2, you may take 2 Actions per turn, 3 at +3, and so on. 

Characters with a result that is equal to -1 or less will be able to take a single action every number of rounds equivalent to their AGI mod's negative value. So at -1 a character may act every other round. At -2 a character may act every 2 rounds, and so on.

While it may be tempting to use all of your character's Actions during your turn, your character will also need to draw from this same pool of Actions to defend themselves and get out of harms way during their Opponent's turn.

This same pool again may be used during your Opponent's turn take Actions of Opportunity!

An Opportunity Action can be taken when a character moves through an opponent's Threat Range or vice versa.  Depending on the weapons and tools at play, a characters Threat Range can vary, but most typically it is 1-2 hexes away depending of their melee weapon, or 5-10ft. Spells and Ranged weapons have a Threat Range of 3 Hexes, or 15ft. (Spells: Range 3)

This Action can only be used to perform a Combat Skill.


Move Actions

A character may move a number of hexes (5ft) equal to their Speed.

A character's Speed is equal to their AGI mod +2 plus any additional bonuses.

When Crawling,  move 1/4 the number of hexes your character normally would
When Crouching, move 1/2 the number of hexes your character normally would 

Combat Skills and Stamina

Combat Skills are the Skills used to perform attacks with weapons, cast spells, dodge, guard, and so on. These will listed under the Combat Skills section to keep things easy. 

When a character wishes to make an attack action against an opponent, they will roll the appropriate Combat Skill. The resulting number, will then have to be beaten by either the opponent's Dodge or Guard Skill check. Success results in them avoiding or blocking the attack, failure means the attack hits and the damage is suffered. 

A character can also attempt to Counter an attack or Spell by imposing upon it with an attack or spell of their own. This can be as simple as blade clashing against blade to the interactions between spells and elements.  This will be covered elsewhere at a later date along with breaking weapons. 

Combat Skills always cost 1 Stamina point to use.

When a character’s Stamina Points reach 0, they must make a Moxie Check to continue standing or risk falling prone from Exhaustion. 

The Difficulty Check is equal to 10 plus the difference between their Max and Current HP.

Failing results in them falling prone from Exhaustion. You may still speak, and crawl at a quarter of your normal speed, but can make no other actions. A character may still attempt skill checks as long as those do not require them to physically move to perform. 

Success means they manage to stay standing, and can act normally. A character can then choose to force their body to move past its limits in order to keep fighting, but at a greater cost, by spend Health Points in the place of Stamina Points to continue taking Actions.  This is only recommended for the most badass of moments.

If a character uses no Combat Skills for entire Round, they may regain Stamina points on their next turn equal to their END Mod +1.

Proficiency Ranks and Damage

Weapons and spells do not have preset damage amounts, but instead deal damage based on the skill of the wielder.  Armor will have a base amount of damage reduction to it before becoming destroyed as well. This is where Proficiency Ranks come in.

Dealing damage well with Weapons and Spells doesn't require Proficiency in such, but it diffidently helps, as without it, damage is limited to only 1.

Proficiency Ranks are granted by Talents and Disciplines, and are specific to a weapon, armor, or spell type.  The more ranks you have, the more damage you can deal. When wearing armor or using a shield to reduce damage taken, Proficiency Dice help to negate some of that incoming damage as well.

Spells will also make creative use of your Proficiency Dice to determine certain aspects of their effects.

Proficiency has 10 ranks total. 

Rank | Damage
1 1d4

2 1d6

3 1d8

4 1d10

5 2d6

6 2d8

7 3d6

8 3d8

9 4d6

10 4d8

Health Points and Dying

A character has a number of Health Points equal to 10 Plus their END & SPI Mods.
This is considering their Max HP. 

When a Character takes damage that lowers their HP, it does not lower their Max HP, but their Current HP instead. 

A Character with 0 HP or less is considered Unconscious unless otherwise stated.

A Character's HP can drop below 0 an amount equal to the Character's Max HP, at which point they are considered Dead. Persisting bonuses or penalties that effect Max HP continue to have their effect until the character is dead, making it possible to slow, or hasten, a Character's death.

At -1 HP, the Character begins to take 1 point of Damage every round there after, referred to as Bleeding Out. The Character will continue to Bleed Out until their HP is raised above -1.